This past Saturday night I had two friends over for a 80's Girls We dressed in fashions from the time, posed for silly pictures, rocked to 80's music and watched movies from that time. We lasted into the Sunday morning hours! Which is something I never do since becoming a mommy. We laughed and even cried it was a great girl time. There's something so relaxing about escaping with other woman. This time it was with two other moms, who have kids close to the same age as my own and are both married. However there are times I like to escape with friends that have nothing in common such as husband or children. It's so great to spend time with them as well and hear what all is going on in their lives. Two very good friends come to mind quickly when I say that! I think they would know who they are while reading this. I enjoy sharing in their live's. I love all my girlfriends! Each so unique and special and adding to my life! I'm thankful that MOPS has helped me meet so many terrific and priceless women. A woman needs good gal pals in their life. I'm over joyed to say I have many of them and I am truly blessed by that! Earlier I said we laughed and even cried at our 80's night. I'm so happy there are numerous women placed in my life that I can have those two extremes with! I cried as I shared about our pregnancy losses, specifically the baby we lost in December. It was so theraputic to do so. With women that wouldn't judge but would listen and truly cared. There is no way to explain what friendship is worth. But I do have a verse that sits framed by my coffee pot that says well how it should be valued: Proverbs 17:17 "A friend loves at all times" So to all my many girlfriends out there know I value our friendship so much and I love ya!
Very touching. :)