Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Trick or Treat!

 One of the many things I enjoy as a parent is taking our kiddos trick or treating.
 For the last few years I have been making our costumes. It is a fun challenge, that is very rewarding. I lost count of how many people fussed over Zach's hand made Lego costume. It was simple to make. One box, some ribbon, hot glue, yogurt containers and spray paint. Much cheaper than the generic costumes you find on the store shelf.
 Brianna and Zachary loved visiting Roscoe Village for Trick or Treat. They even went down a couple streets near by our home. This was a first for them.
 We also attended Trunk or Treat at our church. Last year I started the tradition of our family having a costume theme. I think our "good" pirates (that's what Zach called us) were well liked. The entire family had a blast. We even decorated our van to match the theme. I know some other christians are against celebrating Halloween but for us it's a time of honest to goodness FUN! Nothing wrong with that :-)
Now that the Halloween season has drawn to a close for another year it is time to focus on my favorite holiday of them all THANKSGIVING!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Harvest Memories!

 Today we spent a crisp afternoon at the Darr pumpkin patch and corn maze!
 Autumn is my favorite season of all! For one I love to dress up in costumes, thankfully my children do too. Meet Lady Bug Brianna and The Zachster Rock Star.
 Choosing a pumpkin is always so much fun. Year after year we return here in search for the perfect pumpkin to carve! Denny and I started coming here as newlyweds, 5 years ago.
Our day ended with lunch at McDonald's, which is next to the patch and maze. I said "I love family time like this" and Zach's instant reply was "I love it too" Days like today are what memories and long time family traditions are made of. Someday when my kids are grown and have children of their own I bet they too will spend a cool, sunny, fall day at a pumpkin patch and corn maze with their children.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Ride Buddy

 Zach and Bri take on the Coshocton County Fair
Zach's and Bri's age difference did not happen unplanned. We wanted another baby after Zach and we were blessed with the news another baby was on the way only a couple months before his first birthday. They are only days short of 19 months apart. They literally are growing up together. Once shortly after having Bri I heard someone said "She has 2 under the age of 2" and put that way it sounded awful and kind of scary! However it is anything but that. Sure they fight just as all siblings do, that is unavoidable. But they are each other's ride buddy. They are on this ride we call life together, they have a buddy no matter what.

Denny and I beamed with pride as we watched Zach and Bri conquer each ride together at our county fair this week. How rewarding to watch them mature and grow. For sometime we have wanted another baby to add to our Fink Family, but as I watched my two cutie pies on the rides together I couldn't help but think how great we have it right now. Where would a third baby fit now? They would be a good 3 years or more younger than their other siblings. They wouldn't have a ride buddy :-( So now (for the moment being) I am happy to say I'm completely happy with our family of four. If God someday blesses this Fink Family with one more child I will be thrilled! However, I'm satisfied if my little ride buddies are it, their is no empty void in our live's. Besides if I spend my time wanting and waiting for another blessing from above, I will miss out on my ride with the two beautiful blessings I've already been given.

Friday, October 1, 2010

One Year Homecoming Day

Shortly after I began dating the man that I know call my husband he told me that I couldn't take a bad picture. If he only knew. When I was preteen age I stopped smiling for pictures, any pictures, including my school picture. My Grandpa on the phone told me that if I didn't smile in pictures he wouldn't be able to tell if I was happy. He wanted his eldest Grandchild happy! I have so many fond memories with my Grandpa, he and my Grandma have made sure of that. They spoiled my sister and I with lots of love.

Grandpa had a long drawn out summer of suffering last year. We all knew his time to leave this world was coming fast. Last September I went to NY and visited with him from his hospital bed side. I kissed his sweet glowing bald head one final time and held his dear withering hand for a few last moments, knowing it was my goodbye. After this visit I waited I knew with every phone call update soon one would be "the one"

On October 1st which in my family marks my Father's birthday I got the call. It was morning, maybe 8ish. I was sitting in this very spot. The moment I saw the caller id and heard my Fathers broken voice I knew. I hung up in a mixture of emotions. Joy for his battle was finally over and grief because I would have kept him forever and maybe even a little laughter because Grandpa got to pick on his son in law one last time by leaving on October 1st.
Just then through my dining room I saw to blue colored cardinals, I rarely see them here. They sat on a phone line or power cord. One flew away. I found that as a sign that he was gone. Grandpa had flown away from his pain on this earth, yes he was leaving behind those he loved, but he would expect one thing from us. A smile, so as he peaks down from heaven he can tell that we are happy.

I love you Grandpa!!!!!!! Happy Homecoming Day, I'll be smiling for you........

Monday, September 20, 2010


This past Saturday night I had two friends over for a 80's Girls Night....in. We dressed in fashions from the time, posed for silly pictures, rocked to 80's music and watched movies from that time. We lasted into the Sunday morning hours! Which is something I never do since becoming a mommy. We laughed and even cried it was a great girl time. There's something so relaxing about escaping with other woman. This time it was with two other moms, who have kids close to the same age as my own and are both married. However there are times I like to escape with friends that have nothing in common such as husband or children. It's so great to spend time with them as well and hear what all is going on in their lives. Two very good friends come to mind quickly when I say that! I think they would know who they are while reading this. I enjoy sharing in their live's. I love all my girlfriends! Each so unique and special and adding to my life! I'm thankful that MOPS has helped me meet so many terrific and priceless women. A woman needs good gal pals in their life. I'm over joyed to say I have many of them and I am truly blessed by that! Earlier I said we laughed and even cried at our 80's night. I'm so happy there are numerous women placed in my life that I can have those two extremes with! I cried as I shared about our pregnancy losses, specifically the baby we lost in December. It was so theraputic to do so. With women that wouldn't judge but would listen and truly cared. There is no way to explain what friendship is worth. But I do have a verse that sits framed by my coffee pot that says well how it should be valued: Proverbs 17:17 "A friend loves at all times" So to all my many girlfriends out there know I value our friendship so much and I love ya!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Respect your elders

I was raised up with the mind set you respect your elders, even the grumpy ones. Let's face it there are some grumps. I don't know why I'm always so surprised when I encounter one. They have most likely always been that way or perhaps started out kind hearted but life hardened them over time. Often I just assume when I see a grandmother figure that they are sweet, kind and tender hearted. I am left baffled when they are rude or cruel.
What happened today that I am even writing about such a subject? Our family had a chance to visit Wellsville New York this weekend. In Wellsville resides most of my family, including my dear Grandma. We had a wonderful weekend visit and today headed home with our little munchkins. We stopped at a rest area just inside the Ohio border. My little tots and Mommy took a trip to the restroom. I of course used the large stall since there were three of us and all the other smaller stalls were being used. Bri went first while she was on the potty I noted the stall had no toilet paper so by then the other stall opened up and I grabbed enough toilet paper for us. After the kids were finished I took my turn. When I opened the door to our stall an elderly woman with a walker now stood there. I offered a meaningful sorry for her wait. Only for her to accussingly gripe to me that we had no buisness being in there! I was at a loss for words. I just hurried the kids to the sink and proceeded to wash hands. While at the sink another older woman was kind to us and fussed over my children and talked about traveling with her grandkids. All the while inside I was still shaken by the woman with the walker. I knew we had done nothing wrong. There was no sign saying that stall was handicap only. Often the larger stalls even carry changing tables for little kiddos. The only peace I found was as we got miles down the road when I realized the grumpy old lady went to the bathroom stall with no toilet paper! I felt a little better after that thought. Just a side note: If she had not been so rude I bet I would have remembered to mention there was no toilet paper in the stall!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Summer is creeping to a close. While many children in our area started school yesterday, our son Zachary starts preschool tomorrow morning. That yellow school bus will pull up outside around 7:30 and Zach's school education and path to growing up will begin. I found a shirt for him to wear tomorrow that has the perfect qoute hidden in the buttom corner. "Be yourself, don't ever let anybody change your ways. Always follow the right path. Even if doing so will not please the ones around you. Try to help others in need, what you do today will help you in the future"
Zach will not be four years old until October 17th. I hope that in the few years we have had to mold him and model him into a sweet young boy we have done enough. We have been his prime examples in life till now. Yes Zach does have lots of social interaction, including his best pal Gavin but we have been there for almost all of it. It's amazing how such a change can be so exciting yet scary at the same time! To think I'm not even the one leaving home for school tomorrow. What he must be feeling?
I hope and pray this will be a great year for Zachary. Already I see prayers being answered that I've prayed for him since he was still in the womb. He was chosen to attend a terrific school. He's been blessed with what appear to be very sweet, wonderful teachers! This should be a very bright start to Zachary's future. I'm so glad I have the opportunity to watch all the many chapters of Zachary's life unfold. I got to be a main character for the first few, it is going to be a blast to be in the next!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Welcome to our family blog!

I've had my All Brianna's Style blog since March but that revolves so much around tutus, bows, tea parties, fashion shows etc. With this blog I hope people can get to know our family more! There is Denny my best friend and husband of 5 years this coming May! He has his own construction and plumbing buisness, also known as Fink's Construction and Plumbing. Need a drain cleaned, deck built, tiling, dry wall....you name it and he can do it! He also has returned to college! He is in his second quarter at COTC. His favorite hobby is golf, which during the warmer seasons sometimes leaves me feeling like a golf widower! However, since the arrival of our two lovely children, Zachary and Brianna, he has really skimmed back on the golfing. Zachary is our eldest. He is 3 years old caught in the middle of being a toddler but almost preschooler. I've heard him say he wants to be many things when he grows up, including a fireman and pastor. I guess we'll just wait and see! Brianna will be 2 in May. She has me wrapped around her finger! All she has to do is flash me a smile and my heart melts. She is also my little hero! I love my family through and through, yesterday, today and tomorrow too :-) Then there is me! I'm a proud stay at home mom but that's not all. As I semi stated before I am the creator (owner) of All Brianna's Style. It's my hobby that somewhat gives me some extra money. Truthfully I often spend the money made on more items for tutus, bows etc. Having All Brianna's Style makes me feel less ordinary, it is my outlet and way to get some recognition outside of being a mom and wife. I feel so proud when I walk into church and see more than one girl wearing my fashions! Also it helps me raise awarness to amniotic band syndrome too. Which I love that! This will be my first of many posts!
