Thursday, April 28, 2011

Bed Rest and Blessed

From the time we got pregnant with baby Jackson I had one big objective: Not be put on bed rest. After 3 months bed rest with Bri's pregnancy and 3 weeks with Zach's the thought of bed rest was dreaded. But just a few days before we hit the 7th month marker my BP spiked landing me on bed rest. The good news is the rest is working for the most part! I still have moments were it spikes out of control and makes me ill but if I really truly stick with resting and taking it easy the blood pressure seems to stay regular. Just making myself slow down is the hard part!

Through all this Denny and myself have felt very blessed by some of our friends. From some meals for our family, to friends acting as house keepers or doing our laundry and even some taking one or both of the kids for a few hours here and there, we have been helped so much! Denny and I couldn't do it with out all of you! It has allowed Denny to not fall behind in school or work. And lets me be able to rest as much as I can with two little ones running around, not stressing about house hold chores.

Of course I will be honest and admit I have snuck out here and there. Otherwise I would go stir crazy and I can't miss all that spring has to offer! I typically pay when I do get out, my blood pressure does not like it one bit. However, I really do try to take it easy when we do get out. We were fortunate enough to be able to attend part of the Easter service at church. Getting around and going did raise my blood pressure but I'm so glad we were able to worship in God's house as a family that day.

Thank you again dear friends for everything! We are so blessed to have you in our live's.